Tuesday 2 June 2009

Why Do You Need To Regularly Change Your Toothbrush?


The newer the toothbrush the more effective it is at removing plaque and tartar.

You should change your toothbrush around every three months, this is because after a while the bristles deteriorate, therefore they will not clean your teeth as well as expected and if badly worn will be rough against your gums and potentially cause them to bleed, which as we know can lead to gum disease. You need to regularly inspect your toothbrush, if you notice the bristles are worn it will need replacing as soon as possible, whether you have had it less than three months or not. Toothbrushes with worn tissues are more prone to germ and bacteria build ups.

If you a heavy or rough brusher, the bristles will wear out a lot quicker compared to someone who takes there time brushing there teeth. This can also be said for children who may have a uneven brushing technique.

In summary purchase the correct type of toothbrush that is suitable for you, hard or soft bristled, look after it by cleaning, rinsing and storing correctly, inspect for bristle damage and then replace it. I know replacing toothbrushes costs money, although relatively inexpensive but if you think in comparison to what it may cost to go to the dentists to have dental work or teeth cleaning, I believe toothbrushes are a worthwhile investment.


  1. great Blog....Well done for all the effort..I for one really appreciate it
    Thank you

  2. Thanks for share useful info.

  3. very simple and informative post

  4. Samuel, I definitely agree with you, changing toothbrushes as often as needed was also suggested to me by our local Greenville, SC dentist. Buying new tooth brushes from time to time is inexpensive compared to having a major dental procedure. According to the Greenville, SC dentists, it also prevents bacteria and germs from spreading.

    Thanks for the informative entry Samuel.
